Junior USY (6th-8th Grades)

Junior USY is TECY’s program for teens in 6th, 7th and 8th grades.

TEC’s teens undertake a variety of social, educational, religious and tzedakah programs throughout the course of each year and plan. Our USY-ers participate in many exciting activities from collecting and delivering food to the needy, conducting Shabbat services, sponsoring the Purim Carnival and many social activities every month just for fun. Our youth group is here to serve not only the synagogue, but also the community. Furthermore, USY is a Zionist organization, trying to build a relationship between Israel and our youth in America.

USY is divided into three levels: the Chapter, the Region, and International. Our region, Far West, consists of six states.

On the regional level, you can attend Kinnusim (conventions), dances, sporting events, and Far West on Wheels with members of other synagogues’ chapters.

Seventeen different regions around the U.S., Canada, and Mexico, make up International USY, with offices located in New York. The programs that are run through the International office include International Convention, USY on Wheels, Israel Pilgrimage, Etgar, USY High, NATIV, HeHalutzim, 613 Mitzvot Club, and the Abraham Joshua Heschel Honor Society.

Members of our award-winning chapter have many opportunities to attend weekly and monthly events, meet other Jewish teens and even serve on the chapter board, which helps plan events! One measure of our success is that we have begun to produce our own leaders. Many rabbis, cantors, educators, and even community activists were themselves members of USY. USY is a wonderful way for teens to connect with other Jewish teens and to enhance their own leadership and Judaic skills.

Join our TEC USY Facebook page or our TEC USY Instagram.

Contact Cindy Goldberg, Programming & Youth Director, at cindy@templeetzchaim.org or (805) 494-3648 for more information about our Youth Department.