Tribute Funds
Our Community Thrives Because of You
Our community is thankful for the many members who are able to contribute to enhance our temple, schools, programming, clubs and so much more. To the right, you can click and view the various Tribute Funds associated with different community departments. Each department has programming that you can specifically contribute towards. Your contributions go a long way toward helping us create a better environment for all members.
Please see below a list of our Tribute Funds for your generous donation:
Early Childhood Education
- Early Childhood Education Fund – Donations help augment the Early Childhood Education program with additional enrichment programs and materials.
Religious School Education
- Arnold Organ Educational Center Fund
- Religious School Fund – Donations help augment the Religious School with additional enrichment programs and materials.
- Elisa Feldman Memorial Religious School Scholarship Fund
- Lipnick Religious School Scholarship Fund
- Dr. Ruth Kaplan Religious School Scholarship Fund
- Sandra Tischler Torah School Memorial Fund – Donations provide scholarships for Religious School tuition.
Youth Department
- USY Youth & Scholarship Fund – Donations help augment the USY program with additional enrichment programs and materials as well as provide scholarships to offset the cost of sending students to Regional Convention and Kinnusim.
Men’s Club
Please be advised that donations to the Men’s Club funds are made by checks only, payable to Men’s Club.
- Scholar-in-Residence – Donations provide financial support for the Men’s Club Annual Scholar-in-Residence program, which brings renowned scholars to TEC for a weekend of congregational study and learning on contemporary issues.
- Silverstein Humanitarian Fund – Donations provide funding for Men’s Club Social Action activities in support of worthwhile humanitarian causes.
Women of TEC
Please be advised that donations to Women of TEC funds are made by checks only, payable to Women of TEC.
- Torah Fund – Donations enable Rabbinic and Cantorial students, educators and community leaders to receive a superior education at the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York, the Schecter Institute in Jerusalem, our own Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies at the University of Judaism in Los Angeles, the Seminario Rabbinico Latinoamericano in Buenos Aires, and the Zacharias Frankel College in Germany.
- Women of TEC Scholarship Fund – Donations provide scholarships to the children of TEC members in grades K-12 who want to attend Jewish overnight camps or participate on organized trips to Israel.
- Women of TEC Tributes – Donations help in the sending of Tribute Cards.
Temple & Community Funds
- Rabbi Averbach’s Discretionary Fund – Donations are used for individual, educational, and communal needs, upon Rabbi Averbach’s discretion.
- Barry Cantor Memorial Fund – Donations to these funds are used to purchase books and supplies for the Cohen Family Library.
- Jack Kirby Memorial Fund – Donations maintain and enhance the Ner Tamid Education and Community Center buildings.
- Ritual Fund – Donations help purchase ritual objects, prayer books and childcare services used in the performance of our services, including but not limited to Shabbat, Minyan and High Holiday services. These funds are under the direction of Rabbi Averbach, our Executive Vice President and the VP, Religion & Worship.
- Security Fund
- Tzedakah Fund – Donations are sent to charitable agencies in Israel.
- Zerlin Book Fund
Additional Opportunities
- Dunaier Music Fund – Donations maintain and enhance our musical programming as well as our existing sound systems and equipment.
- Fienberg-Lerner Chapel Minyan Fund – Donations support the Chapel Minyan and other Shabbat Services.
- Inbar Israel Scholarship and Education Fund – Donations provide scholarship money to children of TEC members for travel to Israel with organized Jewish youth groups or for study in Israel. The children must be 25 or younger and can receive no more than $1,000, though that $1,000 may be achieved through multiple requests of lower amounts.
- Jotkowitz Camp Ramah Fund – Donations award scholarships for children to attend Camp Ramah.
- Legacy Society
- Tree of Life