Social Action Feeding the Hungry Lunch Assembly

September 17, 2024, 2:30 pm
With your generosity, we will create and deliver 80 lunches to those in need. On Tues. Sept 17th
Please sign up for an item to be dropped of by Friday, Sept13th in the Temple office. If you are donating fresh fruit or cookies, please deliver them to the Temple office on Tue. Sept 17 by 2:00pm so that they remain fresh.
If you would rather order items online such as from Amazon and have them delivered, that works too. The address is 1080 Janss Road, Thousand Oaks CA 91360: Attention Shane Silverstein. If you prefer to donate funds, you can use ShulCloud to make your donation just click on Social Action. To donate by check, please make out checks to Temple Etz Chaim with HH Feed the Hungry in the Memo line. Mail checks to the Temple or drop them off.
We sincerely thank you for providing sustenance to our community,
Pamela Friedman, Judy Gindi, Steve Friedman, Liz Groden, Patty Kaye, Beth Merlin-Perel, Issie Perel, Cyndy Koepcke, Lynne Katz, Susan Pierce, Debra Levine, Dave Munowitch, Myles Simpson and Tami Wank
Please review the available slots and click on he button to sign up. Thank you!