Women of TEC
Welcome to Women of TEC
We are a group of vibrant and multi-faceted women of all ages and at all stages of life. We support and enhance our congregation with our connection and commitment to the synagogue, religious school, preschool, and USY programs. We provide programming for women in many areas – everything from social events to social action, activities that can be cultural or religious, community service-oriented, educational, and entertaining. We are also connected to Jewish women across the country through our membership in the Pacific Southwest Region of Women’s League for Conservative Judaism, and provide support for Conservative seminary students through our participation in WLCJ’s Torah Fund campaign.
Women of TEC has so much to offer you! Please consider joining a committee or volunteering in our Judaica Shop, or just attending one of our many programs! Our meetings are held on the second Tuesday of every month at 7pm at the Temple, and are open to all WOTEC members. We are always available to speak with you and to answer any questions you might have. Please feel free to contact us any time at . We look forward to seeing you all at our events and at Temple.
Judaica Gift Shop
Women of TEC is proud to operate a Judaica Gift Shop, available for all members and visitors to TEC. The gift shop is by appointment only. Please email Ann Moore-Ross to schedule an appointment.
Women of TEC Board of Directors 2024-2025
Co-Presidents | Phyllis Dankberg & Elissa Lazarus |
Membership & Youth VP | Cynthia Koepcke |
Programs & Education VP | Jill Rosenberg |
Torah Fund VP’s | Phyllis Dankberg & Esther Pullan |
Corresponding & Recording Secretary | Ann Ross |
Treasurer | Jen Sonnenberg-Rhim |
Judaica Shop & Invitations | Ann Ross |
Parliamentarian, Publicity & Immediate Past President | Linda Hutchings |